Thursday, September 15, 2011

TECH 0708: Adsorption Column Chromatography Results

    After the hexane was added to the pipet, yellow was the first color to separate out of the solution, as was expected since ferrocene is less polar.  It seperated out fairly quickly once the hexane had reached the 50/50 ferrocene/ acetylferrocene mixture.  Acetylferrocene  gradually does seperate out with hexane and moves down the column bed much more slowly than ferrocene and is dark orange in color.  As the ferrocene moves down the column, the yellow and dark orange colors do seperate.   Air was used to force the hexane down the pipet at a faster rate, it worked well to move the hexane as well as ferrocene down the column.
    Once the ferrocene was through the column, the acetylferrocene moved more slowly when TBME was  added to the column, than the speed at which the ferrocene moved down the column with hexane.   Some of the Acetylferrocene / TBME  that was collected accidently spilled.   We were also told to stop collecting the acetylferrocene eluent when the drops were clearer although not completly colorless.
    After  spotting TLC plates at different ratios of eluents, as a group we determined that the best separation of the ferrocene and acetylferrocene came from a 25% Ethyl Acetate/ 75% Toluene mix.  

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