Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Essential Cell Biology 2nd Edition Alberts pdf

September 25, 2003 081533480X 978-0815334804 2

"Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition contains basic, core knowledge about how cells work. It has a proven track record in providing students with a conceptual and accessible grounding in cell biology. The text and figures have been prepared to be easy-to-follow, accurate, clear and engaging for the introductory student. Each section follows logically from the previous one, telling a story, rather than being a collection of facts. Questions integrated throughout each chapter encourage the reader to pause, think about what they have read, and attempt to apply the new knowledge in ways that test their understanding. Based on user feedback, the Second Edition now offers increased coverage of genetics and more experimental background. It is completely up-to-date."

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Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins 5th Edition pdf



Title: Elements of Physical Chemistry, by Peter Atkins (Author), Julio de Paula (Author)

January 9, 2009 1429218134 978-1429218139 Fifth Edition
 "With its emphasis on physical principles, careful exposition of essential mathematics, and helpful pedagogy, Elements of Physical Chemistry is the ideal text for the one-semester physical chemistry course. The new edition offers even more student and instructor support, now in a beautiful full-color presentation."

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