Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chapter 5: Gibbs Free Energy

Chapter 5-Gibbs Free Energy
Problems: 5.1,3,5,11; concept:5.9,19,21,22,23

1.G-energy to drive chemical reactions
-ΔpG- tabulated (in table)
-ΔrxnG- usually calculated
eq.1: ΔrG- ∑v*ΔfGproducts –∑v*ΔfGreactants
-if 0, reaction is at equilibrium
-if negative, reactions proceeds towards right (spontaneous)
-if positive, reaction will not proceed (non-spontaneous)

2.Phase Transitions
-Phase 1 --> Phase 2:
eq.2:ΔrxnG= n* ΔfGphase 2 – n* ΔfGphase1 (ΔG is molar)
-if ΔGf phase 2 > phase 1, ΔGrxn is positive (non-spontaneous)
-if ΔGf phase 1 > phase 2, ΔGrxn is negative (spontaneous)
-if ΔGf phase 1 = phase 2, ΔGrxn is 0 (equilbrium)
-stable phase- phase with lowest ΔGf

3.Molar ΔGf vs Pressure- ΔGf,m or ΔGm = Vm*ΔP
-ΔG is directly proportional to changes in pressure
-larger molar volume- ΔG changes more as pressure changes for substances with larger molar volumes
-solids,liquids: final ΔGm= ΔGm,i + Vm(Pf-Pi), where pressure is in bars
-gases: final ΔGm*(Pf)= ΔGm*(Pi)+RTln(Pf/Pi)
-reactions:  ΔGrxn= ∑V*ΔGm,final (products) – ∑V*ΔGm,final (reactants)

4.Molar ΔGf vs Temperature
-for small changes in T, entropy values are nearly constant

5.Phase boundaries- on phase diagrams, show the pressure and temperature combinations at which 2+ phases are stable
-liquid-vapor boundary-liquid is in contact with and in equilbrium with a gas of that composition; pressure of the vapor is its vapor pressure, which substantially increases with temperature
-solid-vapor boundary-solid in contact with and in equilbrium with vapor; sublimination vapor pressure of the solid can be determined in the same way as the liquid vapor pressure
-slope- slope of boundary determined by thermodynamic properties

 6. Clapeyron equation- finds slope of boundary (ΔP/ΔT), ONLY fo small changes in P and T
-ΔtrsH- change of heat during transition between phases (where temperature and pressure stay constant)
eq.5: ΔP/ΔT=ΔtrsH/T*ΔtrsV

7.Clausius-Clapeyron equation: Δ(lnP)= ΔvapH/RT2 *ΔT
-liquid-gas boundaries
eq.6:lnP’=lnP+ΔvapH/R*(1/T-1/T’), where P’ is final P, and T’ is final T
-Table 5.1- log(P in kPa)=A-(B/T), where A and B are constants (see derivation on p.113)

8.Critical point-terminal point on liquid-gas boundary curve
-highest pressure at which liquid can be condensed
-fluid- above critical point, state of matter is called “fluid”, no boundary
-observed between states of matter as seen between liquid and gas

9.Normal boiling point- boiling temperature at 1 atm
-Standard boiling point- boiling temperature at 1 bar
-Normal boiling point- melting temperature at 1 atm
-Standard melting point- melting temperature at 1 bar

10. Phase Rule- for a system at equilbrium, F=C-P+2
-F=degrees of freedom, C=number of component, P=number of phases, 2=T+P
-components- minimum number of species necessary to define all the phases present in a system
-degrees of freedom- number of intensive variables (P,T,mol fraction, etc.) that can be changed without disturbing equilbrium
-triple point- F=0 (C=1, P=3)
-phase boundary- F=1 (C=1, P=2)

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